HP - Parent Resource Hub

Head of Year 7

Mr C Ogden

Deputy Head of Year 7

Mrs J Sinden

Head of Year 8

Ms L Abedrabo

Deputy Head of Year 8

Miss R Ranshaw

Head of Year 9

Mrs C Adams

Deputy Head of Year 9

Mr B Caffull 

Head of Year 10

Ms T Furleger

Deputy Head of Year 10

Mr D Pearce

Head of Year 11

Ms A Screen

Deputy Head of Year 11

Mr M Guilbert 

Head of Year 12

Mr G Robinson

Head of Year 13

Mr J Enderby

HP Home-School Communication Protocol

We encourage all parents and carers to review our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) webpage before contacting the school, as it may address your question promptly.

Contacting Holmleigh Park

Preferred Method of Contact: Email

Email ensures a digital record of communication and allows staff the flexibility to respond effectively. If required, a follow-up telephone call or meeting can be arranged after the initial email contact.

Reporting Absences

Communication Tiers

Holmleigh Park staff aim to reply to emails during school hours (8:30 AM to 4:00 PM, Monday to Friday), excluding weekends, Bank Holidays, and school holidays.

Tier 1: Specific Concerns

Target Response Time: Within 1 to 2 school days, depending on the query

Tier 2: Senior Leadership Team

Target Response Time: Within 1 to 5 school days, depending on the query

Tier 3: Headteacher

Target Response Time: Within 1 to 10 school days, depending on the query

Telephone Enquiries

For phone queries, please contact our main reception by calling 01452 301381:

Communication Guidelines

We appreciate your cooperation in adhering to these protocols to ensure effective communication between home and school.